Volograms at National Gallery, London

Volograms' technology helped Focal Point VR and National Gallery create an experience to show Veronese’s painting from The Consecration of Saint Nicholas as it would have been seen in its original church setting in 1562 by using virtual reality headsets.
Through this innovative experience, visitors were able to see the painting in its original chapel in the church of San Benedetto al Po, near Mantua, and explore the beautiful frescoes and architecture that once surrounded it. They were able to choose from one of two virtual guides (Volograms captured through our technology) who led them through the experience: the National Gallery’s curator, Dr Rebecca Gill, who explores the painting and frescoes, or the historical figure of Abbot Asola, who commissioned the painting from Veronese and reveals the threat facing the monastery at the time. The project was described as a miracle of Art and Technology in Financial Times.